The Artist
To put it simply, Chris Burnett is a human being who can't stop making things. Born and raised in Los Angeles to an extremely creative family, he's been creating art ever since he was too young to wield an X-acto knife. His medium of creation takes on many forms, but one of his favorite methods is collage.
The Past
Chris discovered collage in 2011 at CalArts, where he was studying Graphic Design. A student club called CACA ('s an acronym) would meet every so often, where students would sit around a communal table of paper scraps, making art and talking sh*t. Believe it or not, he was initially uninterested until he finally gave into the pressure and made his first abstract piece.
The Present
Ever since then, Chris has maintained his passion for collage alongside a professional career as a commercial artist and designer. If he's not making something for a client...then he's probably making something for himself...and if it isn't for himself...then it's most likely for you.
Instagram - @chrisburnettt
© 2024 Chris Burnett